I would like to thank Sara at Sadie Olive Design for taking my personal images and my vision......then working her magic in creating my new banner as well as the background and buttons. Sara is wonderful to work with, very patient and super sweet to chat with. After several days of emailing back and forth, I decided to give Sara a call to thank her and she is so soft spoken and friendly, just as you would expect if you are a frequent visitor to her blog and online shop.
It is now my turn to work my magic.....I had Sara make me a template for my website using the banner and background. I have begun a complete redesign of the website starting with the home page. I am working almost around the clock as Sara can confirm. We were exchanging emails last night between 12 and 1 when I ran into a problem with my mailing list link. Thanks to her and Steve this morning during my 6am wake up call, he is out of town, he walked me through one of the steps Sara had sent my way. The new Debbie Overton Designs home page is now up and I will be working on bringing in the other pages as quickly as possible.
Until next time.....send me any extra time and energy you have so that I can finish this project up quickly and move on to the next one.
Debbie...love the new look. It's totally you! :)
Debbie, Your new blog banner is wonderful and your new look so peaceful and lovely. Congratulations.
The site turned out beautifully! Thanks so much for these kind words! :)
The new look is lovely and really works wonderfully with your art. This is terrific!
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