This is one of the collages on display at the exhibit and it has been a big hit with moms. It read "Please I do not want another child. We could buy a dog."
Do I really want a dog? No, been there, done that! Not that they aren't wonderful companions, I just do not want the responsiblities that come with them. In ways the dog we had for 17 years was easier to take care of than the kids. I put its food and water in bowls on the floor and she didn't make a mess with it. I opened the door and she went outside to take care of her business, no missing the toilet because you were playing with the car you took with you that before you left you dropped in the toilet and while trying to retrieve it splashed water everywhere. I could leave her at home alone to run to the grocery store and when we said it's time for bed, Nissan was the first to take off. I bet you have some stories you could share too.
Now days I get an email, text message or a note stuck to my bathroom mirror to let me know......there is an extra tennis practice after school, need money for this or that, I'm out of cookies, tuition is due tomorrow, etc.
I do miss those days when they were little tots running around but I try to cherish each moment with them. I don't see the boys but every few months since the move, but we talk on the phone every few days. Kaycee and I spend lots of girl time together....watching movies, eating cookie dough, shopping, visiting the beach, and a girls day for hair and nails.
Can you imagine having 5, 6, 7, 8 or more and doing all we do for our children now days?
Until next time.....Enjoy your children, no matter how many you have.